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Data Sources

Data sources are the places where your data is stored. This could be data about customers, users, transactions, orders, products, prices, invoices, deals, etc. Source can be databases, data warehouses, APIs, or SaaS apps. Connecting Castodia to a data source lets you run queries and schedule queries on your Google Sheets.

The connection details for data sources can only be viewed, added, edited, and/or removed by Workspace Owners. However, once a Source has been added to a Workspace, other users can query or select data from these sources to update their Google Sheets. To further clarify, non-Owners can query the data source, but they cannot see any connection details or credentials related to it. This provides a separation layer between managing the data source connection and querying data from it.

We use the terms data sources, integrations, connectors, and connections almost interchangeably throughout Castodia.